The Doctor's Word by R. K. Narayan Questions and Ansewers


The Doctor’s Word

Q1. Why did the patients visit Dr Raman only when they were hopeless?

Ans. The patients visited Dr Raman only when they were hopeless, for following reasons. Firstly, he charged a sum of twenty-five rupees which was quite a lot according to that time. Secondly, it was said that Dr Raman was called in only when the last time of the patient approached. Also, there was something threatening or scary about his presence as his presence meant that the patient was seriously ill.

Q2.What impression of Dr Raman do you get from the passage?

Ans. Dr. Raman was skilled in his profession. Owing to his expertise, people valued his opinion and it was considered no less than a verdict of a judge. He was honest while imparting the facts to his patients, as in, what their condition was in terms of health. He never used comforting words to his patients and thought that it was of no use. But if he glimpsed the faintest sign of hope in his patient, he rolled up his sleeve and saved the latter’s life, no matter how many hours or days it took.

Q3.How does the writer describe the friendship between Dr Raman and Gopal?

Ans. From the very beginning we get to know that Dr Raman was very much concerned about Gopal. Gopal’s ailing health tensed Dr Raman to the core. They were the “dearest friend in the world” to each other. Dr Raman and Gopal shared a classic friendship. They met occasionally on a Sunday, when Gopal would visit Dr Raman and would not mind waiting patiently for his friend to get over with his patients. They would then dine together, see a picture and talk about each other’s life and activities. Their friendship remained untouched by changing circumstances.

Q4. How did Dr Raman come to know about Gopal’s illness?

Ans. Being busy in his work, Dr Raman did not realise that he hadn’t met Gopal for over three months. He saw Gopal’s son sitting on a bench in the consulting hall. He told Raman that his mother had sent him to inform about his father’s illness.

Q5.Why didn’t Gopal’s wife call for Dr Raman earlier?

Ans. People associated Dr Raman’s visitation to be ominous and called him when the patient was gravely ill or when they were left with only little hope. Gopal’s wife didn’t call for Dr Raman earlier because she thought that the latter might be busy in work and it won't be good to disturb him.

Q.6 What steps did the doctor take to save his friend from death?

Ans. When Dr Raman arrived at Gopal’s bed, the latter was already in a critical condition. The doctor sterilised the injection needle and injected drugs into the patient’s body. He sat there gazing at the patient. Then, he went out and returned with an assistant and a nurse. After that he performed an operation on the patient in his house. Dr Raman also took care of the feelings and temperament of Gopal's family.

Q.7 What was Dr Raman's reaction when his assistant said, “Sir, he will pull through”?

Ans. When Dr Raman's assistant enthusiastically said that the patient would pull through, he doubted that remark and gave a cold reply. He said that he was prepared to give anything to see him recovered. He exclaimed that they should not trust the current situation of the patient as he considered it to be a false flash-up, which was common in patients. He also added that nothing was sure in case of Gopal's health and that the following night was crucial and difficult for Gopal. But if he survived the night he would keep on getting better.

Q.8 What was Dr Raman's response when Gopal's wife asked about her husband's condition?

Ans. Dr Raman was trying to get away from Gopal's wife to avoid giving any answer to her. He was able to sense the unbearable feelings of Gopal's wife and thus was evasive. Unlike his nature, he was avoiding a straight, honest answer. When Gopal's wife forcibly asked about her husband's health, Dr Raman told her that unless she must know about it, she shouldn't ask now. Sensing something terrible, she gave out a loud wail. The doctor then went over to the kitchen door and shut off the wail.

Q.9 Why did Gopal ask Dr Raman "Am I going?" What was he anxious about?

Ans. Gopal asked that from Dr Raman because he was concerned about the welfare of his family. He was anxious about his property. He wanted to sign his will immediately sensing that his death was near. He feared that if he doesn't sign his will, then his family would face problems by Subbiah and his gang.

Q.10 Was Dr Raman upset at this question? Give your reasons.

Ans. Dr Raman felt Gopal's pulse which was agitated by the exertion. He knew that such a kind of question and Pressure would worsen his health even more. Yes, Dr Raman was upset at this question because it was not in his nature to whitewash. For the first time in his life, he felt it was difficult to speak the truth.

He knew that people attached great value to his words and thus his opinion could hamper Gopal's health. He preferred not to answer at all.

Q.11 Why did Dr Raman decide to tell a lie?

Ans. Dr Raman decided to tell a lie because it would save his friends’ life and reduce the chances of him approaching death.

Q.12 How did he answer Gopal's question?

Ans. He told Gopal that he should not be worried about the will and not exert himself. He was going to live. His heart was absolutely sound.

Q.13 How did Gopal accept Dr Raman's words?

Ans. Dr Raman was known for his curt truthfulness. Gopal thought that if Raman believed that he was fine, then it would be true. He became confident that he would live. He looked at him gratefully and slept.

Q.14 Did Dr Raman believe that his patient would recover that night? Why do you think so?

Ans. No, Dr Raman did not believe that his patient would recover that night. He told his assistant that the collapse could be expected any time.

Q.15 "Don't look so unhappy, lady"-why does Dr Raman say so?

Ans. Dr Raman says so to assure Gopal's wife that her husband is doing well and will live a long life. Q.16 Does human life hang on a doctor's word? Give a reasoned answer.

Q.16. Ans. Yes, in some cases human life hangs on a doctor's word because it increases a person's will power and instills within him a vigour to fight death. This was especially true in case of Dr Raman as people truly valued his opinion and considered it like a judge's verdict. This was very much evident in Gopal's case too wherein Dr Raman's word helped his speedy recovery and proved beneficial in the end. Significantly, though Dr Raman lied to Gopal yet he kept himself and his assistant ready for any adverse situation.


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